Due to unfortunate (largely foreseen) circumstances, this week’s director’s blog will be incredibly brief. In fact, that was it.
Monday, September 17, 2007
A Tully Public Service Announcement
Due to unfortunate (largely foreseen) circumstances, this week’s director’s blog will be incredibly brief. In fact, that was it.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
The Tully Blog: New and Improved!
(Joshua William Gelb enters his Washington Heights apartment. It is late. The place looks unfamiliar, like a foreign land once visited but long evacuated. Come from yet another day devoured by rehearsals, Joshua William Gelb feels alienated in his own home. He knows he must blog… but really… can’t a guy just get some sleep?)
Alright, everyone… From here on in, the blogs get brief. I don’t mean to disappoint, but considering the whole writing and directing a musical opening next Thursday thing, I somehow find I’m at a loss for spare time. Thusly, to make this feature both more efficient to write and less strenuous to read, this week I shall blog by bullet. I’ve followed a simple Q&A structure, so let’s get things started.
- · What’s new, Joshua William Gelb? -- Well, today the cast of Tully performed at a street-fair between East 74th and 75th. Our performance followed that of Alter Boys, which consisted of five men singing catchy sorta-semi-parody pop tunes about Jesus Christ communicating with people on cell phones. Sadly enough, this was sort of an awkward situation since we had planned to do our own deity/communications inspired pop medley. And the awkwardness didn't end there… we were all totally wearing the same outfits.
- · What’s yet to come, Joshua William Gelb? -- Oh, I’d rather not think about the rest of this week. The prospect of fully staging this show is a fairly daunting one. It’s easier to forget about the days to come, simply drinking myself to sleep with no concern for tomorrow. That I wake up with no recollection of today or yesterday is only a perk.
- · Do you find yourself drinking yourself to sleep often, Josh? -- Hold on there, busy bee, let’s not get therapeutic. These are my problems, not yours.
- · Well, what can I do to help the cause, J.W.G? -- Well, golly, blog-readers, that one’s easy. Buy your tickets to Tully (In No Particular Order) at the New York Musical Theatre Festival!
- · But when does the show run? -- Get on the ball, people. Tully opens on the 20th of September and runs to the 28th at the Sage Theatre in Times Square.
- · Am I available those days? -- Beats the crap out of me. But I recommend you make yourself available. This show is not to be missed. I mean, where else can you find a splashy musical about a Christian boy-band replete with a catchy sorta-semi-parody pop score?
- · Is that really what your show is about? Christian Rock? -- Yes. Yes, it is.
- · Really? -- Yes.
- · Really, really? -- Okay, no it isn’t. It’s about this convict fighting to survive during the bloody days of the French Revolution.
- · End of Blog.
Monday, September 3, 2007
(Joshua William Gelb pauses. Wonders where he got that phraseology: “With a vengeance.” Hmm… Must be from Die Hard, he postulates. Though the phrase doesn’t quite fit here, does it? Who are we avenging? The Soviets? Alan Rickman? Just don’t draw attention to it. Maybe no one will notice)
(Joshua William Gelb shakes his head flippantly)
(What did I tell ya, Michael? Product Placement! It’s gold, Michael! Gold!)
(Do you hear the sound of antique cash registers, Michael? Do you? Because I do. KaChing! KaChing!)